Plant Pathology Section, Faisalabad

Pathological research is aimed at minimizing plant losses caused by fungi, bacteria, nematode, etc. by identifying the causative agents, their biology, mode of infection and appropriate control measures. Plants are invaded from within and outside the seed. So pathological work is concentrated on soil borne, seed borne, seed borne and aerial diseases. One important collaborative research area is screening of resistant verities against major pathogens. This helps breeders in evolving resistant verities. Plant Pathology Section is working on chemical control of diseases and for this purpose, available fungicides are screened for efficacy, economy and safety.

Research Activities

Following are the research activities of the section:

  • To conduct research on farmer field oriented phytopathological problems
  • To conduct surveys for the diagnosis and assessment of plant diseases and their losses in different ecological zones
  • To disseminate the research finding and plant protection technologies regarding phytopathological problems through electronic media, print media, farmer gathering, seminars, workshop and trainings
  • To provide internship trainings to students of Universities
  • To provide plant disease diagnostic services to farmers, public, Stack holder and Institutes and give recommendations
  • To visit farmers’  fields to provide guidance and practical demonstration for their specific problem

Contact Us

Principal Scientist
Phone: 041-9201810
