Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian


How salt affected soils are reclaimed? Top

The soil in which plant growth is affected due to excessive amounts of soluble salts / excessive amount of sodium on exchange complex are called salt affected soils. These are of following three types.

  • Saline soils
  • Sodic soils
  • Saline-sodic soil

Saline soils

Saline soils can be reclaimed by applying good quality water so that soluble salts can leach down below the root zone. The EC of water should be less than EC of the soil

Sodic soil

Soils which contain excessive amount of exchangeable sodium to affect the crop growth adversely are called sodic soils.Sodic soils can be reclaimed by the application of amendments like gypsum or sulphuirc acid on soil test basis. Soils samples should be collected from the affected field and get analyzed from the laboratory. Gypsum application should be done on soil GR basis. If soil is sandy, gypsum application should be done on 50% soil GR basis. If soil is loam, gypsum application should be done on 75% soil GR basis. If soil is clayey, gypsum application should be done on 100% soil GR basis. If soil is done sodic, 75% gypsum and 25% sulphuric acid should be applied on soil GR basis. After gypsum application, water should be applied@ one acre foot per ton of applied gypsum.

Saline sodic soils

Soils which have both excessive soluble salts and exchangeable sodium to affect crop growth adversely are called saline sodic soils. Saline sodic soils can be reclaimed by the application of amendments like gypsum or sulphuric acid based on soil test. Sols samples should be collected from the affected field and get analyzed from the laboratory. Gypsum application should be done on soil GR basis. If soil is sandy, gypsum application should be done on 50% soil GR basis. Of soil is loam, gypsum application should be done on 75% soil GR basis. If soil is clayey, gypsum application should be done on 100% soil GR basis. After gypsum application, water should be applied @ one acre foot per ton of applied gypsum. If soil is dense sodic, 75% gypsum and 25% sulphuric acid should be applied on soil GR basis

Why rice growth is stopped in salt affected soils? Top
If the growth of rice is stopped after seven days of transplantation, it may be due to salinity. Then the field should be irrigated and standing water should be drained out after 36-48 hours. Repeat this practice thrice. If the crop growth stops after 15 days of transplantation, then use 50 kg sulfuric acid per acre with irrigation water.  
How patchy salinity / sodicity can be addressed? Top
Patchy salinity / sodicity can be controlled by applying one kg sulfuric acid in 20 kg water per marla of the affected area.  
Can some one apply acid in place of gypsum? Top
Acid can be used if the soil is calcareous in nature. For this purpose one ton of gypsum is equal to 0.57 ton of sulfuric acid or 0.42 ton of Hydrochloric acid.  
Can some one apply Sulfur for reclamation of soil affected soils? Top
Sulfur can also be used for amelioration of salt affected soil if it is calcareous in nature. One ton of Gypsum is equal to 0.19 ton of sulfur.  
How quality of Gypsum can be assessed? Top
Chemical analysis of gypsum is the only way to check its quality. Purity of gypsum should not be less than 70%, commonly white color gypsum is considered better than dull type. Fine grade i.e 30 mesh (powder) gypsum is preferred than coarse type.  
How plant saplings can be successfully transplant in salt affected soils? Top

Ultra salt affected soils are not suitable for the cultivation of conventional crops and grasses but they can be managed for growing of fruits and forest plants. Following points should be kept in mind before plantation in saline/sodic soils

  • Field should be prepared twice with chisel plough and leveled.
  • Soil should be analyzed to know the extent of salinity.
  • Furrow should be made at the recommended distance.
  • Pits should be dugged having width 2 ft x depth 3ft.
  • Pits should be filled with mixture of silt and gypsum in 20:1.
  • Plantation should be done on the shoulders of the furrows.
  • Plants should be transplanted form 25th February to 25th March and irrigated immediately after transplantation.
  • Plastic bags should be removed before transplantation.
  • During the March-April, irrigation should be done at the interval of 15 days, May to July weekly and in August and September according to need of the plants, in November to February one in a month.
  • Urea @ 15 kg acre-1 should be applied 3-4 month after the plantation of saplings.

Following plants can be grown in salt affected soil.
Fruit plants -Falsa, Dates, Guava, Jamin and Ber etc.
Forest plants - Eucalyptus, iple, Kikar and Jand etc.

I want to install tube well. Please tell me how much it should be deep for good quality water. Is there any machine available to assess the depth of good quality water in soil? Top
Commonly in District Hafizabad, the quality of water improves with increasing depth of tube well water. While doing bore for installation of tube well, manual driven boring machine should be used instead of rigging machine. While boring fists water sample should be taken at 50 feet depth and then subsequent water samples should be collected after every 10 feet interval and get analyzed from the soil and water testing laboratory. The boring depth should be continued till better quality water achieved.
The instrument called Resistivity meter is available from Agriculture Engineering department in some districts of Punjab which can predict electrical conductivity of ground water upto 500 feet depth.  This instrument can be used in areas where ground water is saline in nature.
What are methods of using brackish water for crop production? Top

In areas where canal water supply is in limited quantity and brackish water of medium quality {(EC 2 dSm-1, SAR 18 (mmol L-1)1/2 and RSC 3 meL )} is available, it can successfully be used through seasonal cyclic strategy i.e. brackish water for rice, canal water for wheat or brackish water for wheat and canal water for subsequent summer fodders.
If there is an acute shortage of canal water, then three irrigation of tube well water followed by tow of canal water can be practiced without significant losses in yield.
Sodic water can be used by placing gypsum stones in water courses or by application of gypsum (calculated on the basis of quality of tube well water) in to the soil after harvesting of wheat crop.
Saline water can be used by application of 10-25% more water than the crop requirement. Interval between irrigations should be greater than fit water.
Organic matter application or green manuring should commonly be practiced to use poor quality water.

Why urea application in salt affected soil did not response? Top
The poor response of urea fertilizer in salt affected soil (saline sodic) is due to its high pH, because at high pH urea is lost by volatilization. To improve its use efficiency, split application of urea should be done. To wheat crop urea should be applied at noon when there are no dew drops on the leaves of wheat and after urea application field should be irrigated. To rice crop, urea application should be done at evening time when the soil is in muddy conditions. After application of urea, rice field should be irrigated.  
How soil sampling is done from salt affected soils? Top

Following points should be kept in mind while sampling salt affected soils for analysis.
Before soil sampling, field should be observed carefully. If salinity in the field is uniform then 6-8 subsamples from 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm depths each should be taken in two separate buckets and mixed thoroughly. Then a composite sample of one kg should be collected from each bucket in a leveled plastic bag having following information.

  1. Name of farmer            
  2. Address of Farmer        
  3. Square Number            
  4. Field / Kill No.
  5. Depth of sampling
  6. Date of sampling
  7. Signature of sampling person

If the salinity in the field is not uniform then field should be divided into sub plots and from each subplot separate composite soil sample should be collected as mentioned above.

Why urea application in salt affected soil did not response? Top
The poor response of urea fertilizer in salt affected soil (saline sodic) is due to its high pH, because at high pH urea is lost by volatilization. To improve its use efficiency, split application of urea should be done. To wheat crop urea should be applied at noon when there are no dew drops on the leaves of wheat and after urea application field should be irrigated. To rice crop, urea application should be done at evening time when the soil is in muddy condition. After application of urea, rice field should be irrigated.  
Method and time of fertilizer application in salt-affected soil? Top
Generally fertilizers are applied through broadcast method in salt-affected soils. For rice crop whole phosphatic and potassium fertilizers should be applied at the time of rice transplanting while Nitrogenous fertilizers should be applied in 3 splits,
1/3rd  N at the time of rice transplanting.
1/3rd   25-30 days after rice transplanting.
1/3rd   45-50 days after rice transplanting.
To rice crop, urea application should be done at evening time when the soil is in muddy condition. After application of urea, rice field should be irrigated. Zinc Sulphate should be applied 10 days after rice transplanting. For wheat crop whole P & K fertilizer and 1/3rd N fertilizer should be applied at time of sowing while remaining N fertilizer should be applied in 2 splits i.e. 1/3rd N at first irrigation and remaining 1/3rd N fertilizer at 2nd irrigation. To wheat crop urea should be applied at noon when there are no dew drops on the leaves of wheat and after urea application field should be irrigated.
Should urea be applied before or after irrigation? Top
Urea should be applied to crop before application of irrigation water.  
Should SSP or DAP be applied in salt-affected soil? Top
SSP is the preferred source of phosphorus in saline sodic / sodic soil because it contains 46% gypsum in addition to 18% P2O5 which is help full for improving physical and chemical properties of saline sodic / sodic soil. It is not recommended for saline soils due to its high salt index. DAP should not be used in saline sodic / sodic soil because volatilization losses of nitrogen are more due to its high pH.  
What is substitute of DAP? Top
SSP, TSP and Nitrophos are substitutes of DAP.  
Why wheat crop turned yellowish after first irrigation in salt affected soil and how it can be managed? Top
Deep ploughing in salt affected soil followed by heavy irrigation removes the salts from the root zone. It also improves soil aeration and is helpful in preparation fine seed bed for better germination of seed.  
What are the vegetables which can be grown in salt affected soil? Top
Spinach, Tomato, Lady finger, Fenugreek (Methi) & Methra.  
What are the oilseed crops, grown in salt affected areas? Top
Following oilseed crops can be grown successfully in salt affected areas.
Linseed (Chandni), Canola (Hyola, Bulbul and Punjab sarsoon), Sunflower (FH-385), Castor bean (D-30), Raya (Khanpur Raya) etc.
From where the certified / pure seed of rice and wheat crops in available? Top
Pure seed of high yielding rice varieties will be available at Soil Salinity Research Institute, Pindi Bhattian (Shaheen Basmati) and Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku and pure seed of wheat varieties will be available at Wheat Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad, Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal, Arid Zone Agri. Research Institute, Bhakkar, Regional Agri. Research Institute, Bhawalpur and Punjab seed Corporation.  
How cotton crop can be successfully grown in salt affected soils? Top
Cotton crop in salt affected soil can be successfully grown on ridges. For this purpose land will be leveled and prepared for sowing. Ridges will be made 75 cm apart and then the irrigation will be applied up to six inches height of the ridges. After some time the seepage water will move upward. Then the cotton (2-3 seeds per hole) seed will be sown on the shoulder of the ridge at the seepage point. The JH-901 gives good results in salt affected areas.  
What are the methods of sowing of wheat in salt affected soils? Top
Following methods should be adopted for wheat sowing in salt affected soils.
Drill Sowing. It is recommended for slightly to moderate salt affected soils. For this purpose soil is prepared by applying 2-3 cultivation followed by planking. Then wheat seed is sown with Rabi drill. Irrigate the field immediately for dry sowing.
Ghupshut. This method of sowing is used for saline soils. In this method, the field is prepared by applying chisel plough (twice) and 2-3 times cultivations followed by planking. The field is divided into small portions and 24 hours soaked seed is broadcasted in standing water. A branch of tree moved / dragged in the field so that the seed may cover with slight layer of soil. The surface of field should not be allowed to dry for about 8-10 days with light irrigation.
Ridge Sowing.This method is used for saline sodic soils. In this method, the field is prepared by applying 2-3 times cultivator followed by planking. Seed soaked for 12 hours should be broadcasted in the field and ridges (12 inches apart) should be made by using Ridger plough. Field should be irrigated immediately. Care must be taken that the water will not move above 6 inches height of the ridge. If water moves at the top of the ridges, the germination will be affected badly.
What varieties of wheat crop are recommended for salt affected soil? Top
Pasban-90 and Inqulab-91 wheat varieties are recommended for salt affected soil.  
What seed rate of wheat is recommended for salt affected soil? Top
60 kg per acre seed is recommended for sowing of wheat in salt affected soil.  
What is the optimum time of sowing of wheat in salt affected soil? Top
The best time of sowing of wheat crop is 1s November to 15 November in salt affected soil.  
What rice varieties are recommended for salt affected soils? Top
Shaheen Basmati, Nab-IRRI 9,165-282, IRRI-6 varieties are recommended for salt affected soils.  
What is the optimum time and seed rate for sowing nursery of Shaheen Basmati? Top
June 20 to June 25 and seed rate 6 kg per acre  
What is the optimum time for transplanting nursery of Shaheen Basmati? Top
July 20 to July 25.