Soil Bacteriology Section, Faisalabad


  • Main emphasis of the work, carried out at Soil Bacteriology Section, ABRI, AARI, Faisalabad, is on plant growth promoting microbes, their isolation, characterization and exploitation to increase crop production
  • Main focus of the Section is the restoration of soil and plant health through biological means developing crop (Legumes, non-legumes, cereals, fiber and vegetable etc.) specific inoculants and their supply to farmers and researchers. On the average more than 7000 inoculum bags were supplied to the interested farmers
  • Isolation, maintenance, purification and preservation pure microbial isolates for multiplication
  • Execution of Annual Programme of Research Work
  • Dissemination of biofertilizer uses information and technology through radio and electronic media. Publishing of research papers and tested technology
  • Functioning as biofertilizer testing laboratory, Govt. of the Punjab and analyzed 71 biofertilizer/biostimulant samples and 8 samples of BOP during the last year (2016-17).
  • As a special assignment 80/80 burnt/unburnt post-harvest residue samples from wheat/rice farmers’ field from all over the Punjab samples were also analyzed for microbial count

Research Activities

Following are the research activities of the section

  • Isolation, screening and maintenance of Rhizobium sp, PGPR and P-Solubilizers
  • Production and supply of commercial inocula to interested farmers
  • Conductance of 22 pot / field trials of Annual Programme of Research Work
  • Searching new microbial formulations for soil, plant and climate health (co-inoculation, precursor-inoculum interaction, P-solubilization, Zn-mobilization etc.

Contact Us

Dr. M. Ashfaq Anjum
Soil Bacteriologist
Phone 041-9201807
