Vegetable Research Institute, AARI, Faisalabad


Why carrot roots start cracking?


This can be due to fungal disease. To cure this situation "Antracal" can be sprayed on the plants.




Why carrot roots start forking?


Carrot completed its vegetative growth for two months. This forking is due to excess irrigation and compact hard soil. To overcome this condition carrot should be sown at sandy loam soil.




Added FYM before land preparation for fertility even then carrot started forking?


This problem is due to fairly good amount of nitrogen in FYM which increase vegetative growth and forking in carrot. This problem is also genetic controlled and check it if you have planted variety not approved for your area.




Why early sown carrots start rottening?


This is to the fungal disease root rot. Spray either of the given fungicide viz; Mancozeb, Antracal, Thiafunate methyl, or Carboxyl 3-4 times @2.5gm/L of water. Do not apply irrigation during the epidemic of the disease otherwise it will spread all over. 




Why leaves start curling in early crop?


After rainy season due to excessive soil moisture and high temperature radish mortality increases. That’s why leaves start curling and become pale. Proper crop management helpful to overcome such conditions.




Why early radish starts rottening after rainfall?


This due to the temperature fluctuations.  So, proper irrigation should be managed during such conditions.




Why radish roots start curling?


This is due to two reasons, Soil is not prepared properly for crop sowing and secondly plant to plant distance is inappropriate. Thinning should be helpful for this condition.




Why radish roots start hallowing?


Radish should be harvested in time. Due to over maturity this situation happened.




Why purple spots appeared during month of March?


This is due to the fungal disease Purple Blotch. Spray either of the given fungicide viz; Mancozeb, Antracal, Thiafunate methyl, or Carbaxyl 3-4 times @2.5gm/L of water. Do not apply irrigation during the epidemic of the disease otherwise it will spread all over. 




Onion crop started flowering instead of bulking of bulbs why and what is the possible solution?


The onset of reproductive stage is due to the sudden rise in temperature. Proper crop management can control this condition to some extent.




Why yellow spots appear in during nursery crop and how to control them?


This is due to fungal disease known as downy mildew. When the yellow spots appear spray with any of the give fungicides viz; Topsin M, Caryotop, Ridomil Gold or FoestylAluminum @ 2gm/L or water and spray at an interval of 7-10 days to control this disease. If there are weeds in the nursery also remove them manually or mechanically.