Research Activities


Following are the research activities of the institute

Development of technology for reclamation of salt affected soil

  • To study the impact of poultry litter incubated with gypsum on physio-chemical properties of saline sodic soil.
  • Use of Gypsum, Poultry manure, FYM, Rice straw, Press mud for rehabilitation of salt-affected soils.
  • To determine the effect of biochar application for improving physio-chemical properties of moderately salt affected soil
  • To study the long-term effect of crop residue management on yield of wheat-rice system and soil physico-chemical properties of moderately salt affected soils

Development of technology for management of brackish water

  • To manage the deleterious effects of saline-sodic water on wheat productivity by foliar spray salicylic acid
  • To manage the deleterious effects of brackish water on fodder productivity with application of gypsum, FYM and H2SO4
  • To compare different sources of Nitrogen using brackish water for better yield of Barley and Rice
  • To investigate the role of exogenous application of salicylic acid in alleviation of detrimental effects of saline water on yield of Brinjal and Turnip    
  • To monitor the long-term effect of brackish tube well water on physico-chemical properties of soil and its sustainable management for successful crop production under rice-wheat rotation.
  • To assess quality of tube well water installed by farmers and disseminate technologies for its safe usage.

Development of crop production technology for salt affected soil

  • To determine the suitable dose of nitrogen for growing spring planted promising maize hybrids in slight to moderately salt affected soils
  • To determine the optimum sowing method for getting maximum yield of rye grass in moderately salt affected soils
  • To determine the interactive response of melatonin and salicylic acid seed priming for maximizing wheat crop yield in salt affected soil  
  • To introduce the sinapis alba and optimizing the best sowing method for crop diversification in salt affected areas
  • To study the performance of three bio drainage plants, e.g., Eucalyptus, Arjun and Acacia Ampliceps in water logged soils.

Management of plant nutrition in salt affected soil

  • To determine optimum rate of potassium for yield improvement of oats in saline sodic soil
  • To determine optimum rate of zinc for yield improvement of barley in saline- sodic soil
  • To determine optimum rate of potassium application for yield improvement of rye grass in saline sodic soil
  • To determine optimum rate of sulphur for yield improvement of canola in saline- sodic soil

Screening of varieties of crops / fruit plants against Salinity/ sodicity

  • To evaluate the yield and quality performance of oat germplasm for salt tolerance
  • To study the performance of different varieties of Rhodes grass in saline sodic soil under field condition  
  • To study the forage yield performance of rye grass against different salinity and sodicity levels in pots
  • To evaluate the yield performance of different grasses against different salinity and sodicity levels in lysimeter
  • To collect, maintain and multiply the grasses germplasm for assuring the availability of material for future research.
  • To evaluate the yield and quality performance of berseem germplasm for salt tolerance
  • To evaluate the yield and quality performance of sorghum germplasm for salt tolerance
  • To evaluate the yield and quality performance of pearl millet germplasm for salt tolerance
  • To preserve the genetic stock / gene pool for future breeding Programme
  • To find out suitable lines/varieties of rice and wheat having better yield potential under salt affected soil.
  • To find out suitable wheat advance line from NUYT material having better yield potential for salt affected soil.

New Research Initiatives 

  • Collection, maintenance and comparative biomass production ability of perennial grasses, forages for testing in salt affected soils. 
  • Screening/performance of oil seeds varieties in salinesodic soil. 
  • Technologies for brackish water management in salt affected soils. 
  • Role of Biochar during rehabilitation of salt affected soil. 
  • Response of Canola to sulphur application in saline sodic soil. 
  • Performance of bio drainage plantations in water logged soils.