High Density Orchard Establishment of Guava


Conventionally, guava orchards are planted with conventional planting geometry having distance from 18 to 22 feet apart and approximately 108-135 plants per acre can be planted. Farmers can generate income of Rs. 80,000 to 1, 20,000 per annum per acre approximately. Standardization of new technology and development of short stature strains of guava enables the farmers to establish the guava orchard under High Density Plantation system at the distance of 5 to 7 feet apart accommodating 1000-1500 plants per acre. By this technology farmers can Rs. 3, 00,000 - 5, 00,000) per acre with better management practices.  


This system of high density plantation need more care regarding pruning, canopy management, fertilizer application and insect pest’s management.


Increase in average yield and farmer’s income. The guidance for these technologies is available at Horticultural Research Institute, Faisalabad.