about us
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute is the main engine of growth in important crops witnessed over the years. A premier and one of the prestigious research organizations of the country, originated in 1962 after the bifurcation of research and education working under the former Punjab Agricultural College and Research Institute Lyallpur (Established in 1906). Main campus is located at Faisalabad, whereas ecological specific research Institutes, research stations, sub-stations, testing centers, service laboratories and research cum demonstration farms are located throughout the Province of Punjab.
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute's mission is to evolve new varieties and to develop the technologies for food safety, food security and sustainable generation of exportable surplus, value addition and conservation of natural resources.
Crop Varieties
Pakistan is one of the ancient homes of cotton. The earliest known traces of cotton, in Pakistan...
The cultivation of wheat (Triticum spp.) reaches far back into history. Wheat was one of the...
Protein is the most essential component of human diet. It is required for body growth and its...
Forage crops are crops grown specially to be grazed by livestock or conserved as hay or silage...
Edible oil is Pakistan’s largest food import commodity ranking third in the import list...
Rice crop is of great economic importance for Pakistan, as it is second staple food after wheat, and...